Saturday, September 9, 2017

Recreate, Nurture the Lost Love

Let's recreate,
what we had lost,
the life, the story,
the tale, we begun,
it is time to carry,
carry it to the end,
rebuild from where left,
whatever we had lost,
will come back,
once and for all,
it will come back,
ascertained I am,
all you got to do,
is to believe,
in me, in us,
and in yourself,
all you got to do,
is to be loyal,
towards me, towards us,
towards the love we have,
Love me, and I promise,
on my life, on this love,
that we have grown,
like a flower, 
in the garden,
of our hearts, 
we will nurture it,
with the warmth,
we carry in our hearts,
Love me, as if there's
no morrow, to witness

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How to behave

Words to be chosen,

told to behave, 
handle the hearts,
never to act,
to make decisions,

there is a way of doing things,

whether you like it, whether not,
all these teachings, ruined the childhood,
But don't lose the heart, 

things will change with the passage of time,


What is Sorrow

What is sorrow?
      a feeling hollow,
senses go dumb,
      mind's gone numb,
heart's gone forlorn,
      as if flower torn,
appears, sudden blackening,
      feeling heart drowning,
emotions seem fading,
      & the joy sinking

Mother's Love

Mother's warmth of love,
      what can match her pure love,
her love for her child,
      no matter how old I be,
no matter, how tall I grow,
      I will still be a mere child,
in her eyes, I am her child,
      still and always will be her child

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


enchant my soul,
captivate my dreams,
cage my demons, 
amuse my heart,
thrill my fantasies,
bewitch my thoughts
entrance my soul


To Jerusalem

To all the Abrahamic faiths you hold a prestige to visit once a life time. Oh Jerusalem how I loathe you, falling into the hands of the J...